Saturday, April 25, 2009

The Founders warned us about paying off our own debt

The Founders of our Constitution regarded "not paying back on your own debt" as immoral. As stated by Thomas Jefferson (as can be found in Writings of Thomas Jefferson), "we shall all consider ourselves unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound to pay them ourselves; and consequently within what may be deemed the period of the generation, of the life [expectancy] of the majority." In other words, each generation has the responsibility to pay down on their debts, as opposed to passing them onto their children and grandchildren (the next generations). This is applicable at home, on the local scale and within our state and federal governments. This principle was fervently practiced by our state and federal governments until the early 60s. JFK believed in this principle and had policies on standby to implement and ensure that our federal budget was in the black by the end of his term. However, LBJ ignored many of those policies and allowed "spending before revenue" policies to begin a trend which has turned into a "monster" in just the last few years. These policies, which include continuous printing of new money to pay for budget deficits, have led We, the people into a ongoing recession which may not be resolved for the next few years, the possibility of hyperinflation which would result from foreign investors (e.g., China) to no longer investing in our bonds and treasuries; thus resulting in large decrease in the value of the U.S. dollar, and currently leaving our children with owing over $100,000 dollars in tax revenue per year just for the interest of our national debt. We, the people have allowed this to happen thru our apathy when practicing our constitutional rights to vote and be engaged in political policies. We, the people must fight to right this wrong and find representatives for our state and federal governments who believe in and will practice within our values and principles as expected by the framers of the Constitution. Do you have the guts to become more involved or will you continue to complain with no substantiation? The choice is ours to make.
But what do I know: I'm just an American.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Here is a challenge to the American citizens:
“Effective resistance to usurpers is possible only provided the citizens understand their rights and are disposed to defend them.” (The Federalist, No. 28, Alexander Hamilton).
I cannot more perfectly express the means that We, the people have at our Constitutional disposal to rid ourselves of federal, state and local “politicians” who have forgotten who they work for and continue to ignore the demands of their constituents. We, the people must become organized within our state and local levels and continuously barrage our “leaders” with our displeasure of their inadequacies and express what our needs are. We have no choice, my fellow American citizens. The federal government has established outrageous spending policies which, along with their current proposals, will establish a record debt of over ten trillion dollars within the next 5 years. This same trend is being implemented in a majority of our states (for example, California, Georgia, New York, etc.) and within at least some major cities (for example, Sacramento, CA; Atlanta, GA; New York, New York; Detroit, MI; etc.). Currently, according to the Congressional Budget Office, our children and grandchildren will be left with a debt of over one hundred thousand dollars per year for each individual. Is this reckless direction what the framers of our Constitution intended when they painstakingly created the Constitution of the USA in 1787? Of course not. Our Constitution provides us with the means to right the wrongs brought upon us by professional politicians, particularly the actions taken within the last year. This will take a concerted effort to convince our elected officials that they are taking our country down the wrong path. If they do not change their policies and political philosophies, then it will be time for We, the people to hand out pink slips in 2010, 2012 and beyond. But we don’t have much time to change the direction our country is heading so we must all work hard and fast. Thus, the challenge to all Americans: will you become more involved in our political system and work to right the wrongs bestowed upon us? We, the people have no choice; we must act now.
But what do I know: I’m just an American.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Why is the DHS secretary so paranoid?

Have you read the latest release from the Department of Homeland Security, issued on 04/07/09? It's titled "Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling
Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment". This document (or as they call it "analysis") is a paranoid posting and will probably be the philosophy that the DHS will follow in "identifying" right-wing extremists. Though issued on 04/07/09 and sent to federal, state and local law agencies, this document was intended to be a "classified" document. However, when certain law enforcement agencies decided that this document needed to be accessible and released phrases to the Internet, DHS declassified the document and made it accessible to news agencies and the population at large. Gosh, how nice of them; maybe we should believe that comments by Secretary Napolitano and associates regarding statements made within the document were not attended to offend or antagonize certain groups of people (for example, active military and veterans, citizens of all races, "right-wing extremists" who practice their freedom of speech rights to voice/express our opinions regarding our government; WAIT A MINUTE, THIS INCLUDES EVERY CITIZEN WITHIN THE USA). Yes, my friends, it appears that Ms. Napolitano is scared of every citizen within our country, particularly those who dare to express dissatisfaction with our government's actions (past and present; federal and state/local). And apparently our current president has the same issues. I agree that this document is based on hypotheses, but it was completely uncalled for to even entertain most of the assumptions made within this document, much less insulting all types of American citizens. Let's see who were referred to as potential "right wing extremists": the unemployed, those who are having problems establishing credit, those who have experienced foreclosures on real estate, those who disagree on proposals for new restrictions on firearms, returning military personnel reintegrating into their communities, citizens who are concerned about the ongoing economy and job losses, those of us who are concerned about illegal immigrants, and on and on. My fellow Americans, We the people do not have to put up with the insulting paranoid statements made within this document/"analysis". Barrage all representatives and Senators in Washington and express your outrage. Now, when I say "barrage", I mean flood their offices with your opinions. These idiots must wake up to the American citizens' dissatisfaction with the ongoings within our federal bureaucracies. And for God's sake, Mr. President and Ms. Napolitano, please do not insult out active military and veterans. They deserve our country's appreciation and support for their sacrificies; not be treated by their Commander-In-Chief the 60's and early 70's antagonists treated returning Vietnam veterans. If you haven't read the full document, go to and see it for your self.
Last weekend, I sent an email to the Augusta, GA Tea Party coordinators expressing concern as to what direction the Augusta Tea Party would take(see my last post on 04/09/09). At the time, it appeared to me that the emphasis was going to be on political bashing of the Democratic party, as opposed to the actual intent of these Tea Parties. I attended the Tea Party at the Amphitheatre and I am glad to say that I had misled myself. My congratulations to the organizers on a successful “protest” with such a limited time to prepare. The commanding theme from the speakers was that the problems that we face and are “angry” about were caused by people of both parties in Washington and in our state. The statement was repeated many times regarding the misuse of our tax dollars and the excessive expenditures started years ago and now it is time for We, the People to become more involved in solving these problems before our children and grandchildren find themselves with the burden of our expanding problems today and in the near future. The organizers of this event did a find job (in such a limited time) to find some excellent speakers who represented Americans’ displeasure with our federal and state governments.
So, once again, I am glad that I was proven wrong and I am proud that I was part of the Augusta Tea Party. I look forward to participating in further ventures and will provide my support and actions, if needed. I am a strong advocate of putting our American principles and values back into our government, as was intended by our framers of the Constitution. I noted to the "Augusta Tea Party" of this blog site, which is designed to educate my fellow citizens of the importance of removing our elected representatives in both houses at Capitol Hill and finding leaders who will truly represent our needs and desires, as they should have been doing for the last 20 years.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Remember what the Tea Parties Represent

I was just looking at the site for the organization organizing the Tea Party in Augusta, GA on 4/15/09. It appears to have very little "enthusiastic" support just from appearances on the website and it's blog section. From first impression, one gets the idea that this will be a rally for "Republicans" to vent their frustrations and outrage against the ongoing administration. WE, the People, must remember that the problems of wasteful spending, taxation without representation and continued efforts to control our everyday lives thru control of financial markets, including banking and the housing market, along with many other measures being taken have been ongoing problems long before Obama came on board; he's just exasperating the problems with his policies. Regarding the previous comment about taxation without representation, I'll say this: I know that new taxes can only be initially sponsored within the House, but isn't it obvious that our representatives the WE, the People voted into office are no longer representing us regarding our needs; YOU DECIDE!! I make these statements to show that these are some of the topics that we are holding Tea Parties for BECAUSE THESE ARE AMERICAN PROBLEMS, NOT POLITICAL IDEOLOGICAL PROBLEMS. So, if anyone can help the organizers at, then please do so. I'm trying but if we don't get their efforts in the right direction, then Augusta, GA's Tea Party will be a joke for the biased news affiliates to use for their advantage.